Persuasive writing.

Last week Mr Victor told us that the government might be banning phones from schools and

high schools all around the world. Most of the students were shocked. But then Mr Victor

mentioned something that would the whole thing he said you could agree with the

government banning it or not agree with the government by not banning the phones.

Here is my writing of why we should ban phones.

Team Tui Maths

Today was an odd day because we had to get our books and a pencil. After the Karakia we did Maths.

it was really fun and a great idea from the teachers because I liked this one game if you get over 50 you get a lolly.

So you have a dice and you roll and one you get a number then you roll again and then add that number to it.

But there is a twist if you get a one you have to restart.


Tonga vs Ireland

On Saturday morning I woke up at 7 to go to my brothers 7’s  game for his college.

He played at college rifles but the thing I didn’t know that the Tonga vs Ireland was playing.

Also I am a proud to be a Tonga and I was so disappointed in Tonga because they lost.

But at least they tried.